Crossing the Chasm
Innovators | Early Adopters | Early Majority | Late Majority | Laggards
Innovators | Early Adopters | Early Majority | Late Majority | Laggards
Enthusiasts who love to try new technologies. They are willing to take risks and are often technology experts.
Visionaries who see the potential benefits of new technologies and are willing to adopt them early. They influence others by endorsing new products.
Pragmatists who adopt new technology once it has proven its value and reliability. They look for improvements in productivity and want well-established solutions.
Conservatives who are skeptical of new technology and adopt it only when it becomes a standard and is widely accepted. They require significant proof and support.
Skeptics who resist change and adopt technology only when it is absolutely necessary or when it becomes a legacy.
Being a passionate believer in Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” concept, which consists of three concentric circles labeled “Why,” “How,” and “What.” Everything we do, we start with “Why”.
With over 15 years of experience, we specialize in:
If you require consultancy services, please feel free to contact us.