Joshua Tree Image 2 for branding

C.R.A.P. Principles

Contrast | Repetition | Alignment | Proximity

The Non-Designer's Design Book

The Joshua Tree Epiphany

Williams shares a personal story about how she bought a new home and received a book about desert plants. In the book, she read about the Joshua tree and realized she had never noticed one before. After reading about the Joshua tree and seeing a picture, she walked outside and immediately saw Joshua trees everywhere. They had been there all along, but she had never noticed them until she knew what to look for. This moment of sudden awareness is what Williams calls the “Joshua Tree Epiphany.” It illustrates how learning to recognize and identify something can significantly change your perception and understanding of it. 

C.R.A.P. Principles

The book is structured around four main principles of design, often remembered by the acronym C.R.A.P. 

Joshua Tree Image for branding


This principle emphasizes the importance of making elements on a page distinctly different to create visual interest and aid in organizing information. High contrast helps guide the viewer’s eye to the most important elements first.

Contrast Image - Wrong for brand design
Contrast Image - Correct for brand design


Repetition involves reusing the same or similar elements throughout the design. This helps create a cohesive and consistent look, reinforcing the design’s overall theme and making it easier for the viewer to navigate.

Repetition Image - Wrong for brand design
Repetition Image - Correct for brand design


Alignment deals with the arrangement of elements in a way that they relate to each other visually. Proper alignment creates a clean, sophisticated, and organized appearance, ensuring nothing looks out of place.

Alignment Image - Wrong for brand design
Alignment Image - Correct for brand design


Proximity refers to the grouping of related items together, which helps to create a relationship between them. Items that are not related should be spaced apart to visually emphasize their separation.

Proximity Image - Wrong
Proximity Image - Correct for brand design
Image for About Altipex

Greetings from Altipex.com

Being a passionate believer in Simon Sinek’s “Golden Circle” concept, which consists of three concentric circles labeled “Why,” “How,” and “What.” Everything we do, we start with Why”.

With over 15 years of experience, we specialize in:

  • Strategy: where-to-play, how-to-win.
  • Branding: making a difference.
  • Marketing: connecting with purpose.


If you require consultancy services, please feel free to contact us.

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